Thursday, February 14, 2013

red apples and tears...

today is a day not to be forgotten.

it started out as just a day, but it turned 
into a day where i picked
up two people who i love (one of whom i just 
recently discovered that i held love in my heart for),
and i took them to the hospital, where one
was told that how desperately ill he was
(although they already knew this).

 tears have been shed, hugs have been given,
 ideas worried at...  and now it is all tests
and waiting (this is the hard part).

this is not what i thought this day was to be 
about.  I thought today was about studio time
and building patterns for shower curtains and sheets.
but somewhere along the line, this day
 turned into a profound lesson for my heart.

let me tell you what i learned
( and i mean it )
be nice to the people you love.  even when it is hard.
it really is the only important thing that you can 
give to someone.  it is the only thing 
that matters in the end.

i also learned today that shopping for beautiful red apples,
and buying the milk for the people you love... THAT is the good stuff.
that is a real privilege that shouldn't go unnoticed.



  1. Cori, I am so sorry you & your friends are going through this. My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer in late Aug., had the left kidney removed in Nov. & now we are watching & waiting to see if he's okay. (& you're right, that IS the hard part.) We've been happily married 22+ years, so you can imagine how sick with worry I've been & how this pains my heart. (& that's only the very tip of the iceberg of how awful things have been over the last 6 months.)

    All I can offer is that having people who love us circle the wagons and offer help has helped us to cope. It may not sound like much, but it's EVERYTHING to us.

    I am sending wishes for comfort and strength across the miles.

    1. wishing you and your family great strength during this trying time. may a calm sea find you in your little boat soon. all of my love, cori

  2. hang in there Cori. It's beautiful that you are being there for your friends!!

  3. In a time of very great difficulty (and there have been many), a friend once told me this beautiful wisdom; "God tests those he loves the most." It has given me strength and comfort so many times to remember these words. Cori what you describe, the wisdoms that turns up in you, are real indestructible and soul/spirit formative matters. I hope it doesn't sound cliche, but hard earned lessons and wisdoms have such beauty in them. Just think of the extra dimensional grace that will be popped in between the brush strokes and lines in your art because of your experiences.

    1. that is not cliche... and it is a wonderful thing to read today. thank you.

  4. Cori, this is such a lovely, yet bittersweet post. You put it perfectly when you told us of the lessons you learned. I am so sorry for the news your friend received and you and those you love are in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. heart felt thank you's to all of you for sharing your own stories and well wishes. thank you for letting me share. OOx cori

  6. Yes it is so hard to wait for health test results, and to worry about a scary prognosis--and exhausting, as one thinks through all the ensuing possible outcomes and their ramifications. Best wishes to you and your loved ones. And for more life lessons learned.

    On a cheerier note, I just saw a glimpse of the cover of March's Somerset Studio.....eeeeek!! I'm gong to have to go grab that one! Congrats for all the recognition of your wonderful work.


  7. Thank you for your post and for sharing your art. I have a friend who needs your art at just this moment to give her strength.

    1. i love the idea that my art can touch someones heart and perhaps even help them.
      that makes "all of this" so much more meaningful. thank you for sharing that.

  8. I love your offbeat humor on the "Dear Difficult Time." It was witty and really made be smile. Fun and cool work.
