Tuesday, June 11, 2013

LONDON (here we come!)

this fall my gramma (89 years old) called me, and said 
"i want to go to europe, and i want you to be
my travel partner." 

"SURE!  let's do it." i said.

i started looking into things, and we settled
on a riverboat cruise.  she said she loved
the waltz and wanted to go on the Danube.
so we started to plan.

Then about a month or so she called, and
said, "i don't think i should do it".  
my knee.  my blood pressure.  my heart.
and i said, "that's okay gramma, i totally understand."
and i did.

honestly i was saddened by this.  my gramma is my
biggest soft spot.  she taught me how to be nice or at least
to try to be nice all of the time.  how to patient
(man was that lady patient).  she taught me all
about family first.  and i love her for always being
my number one fan.  she truly is the best person
i have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

(i wish i had a photo of her to insert here but i
don't right now)

then in november, she passed away.  and i thought
about all the things i never got to say and all the things i had
yet to do (like this trip).

then, as i posted in february of this year i lost another family
member. Jason (my brother in-law) was quite young (43 years old),
and i thought again about all the things i haven't done,
and have wanted to do for a L O N G time.

so... i bought two tickets to London.  this trip will be just
me and my son Henry...

 heading off to see one of my very
best friends and her family, and a little bit of family.  

so this is us jumping off!  and saying farewell for the 
time being.

don't wait too long to do the things you want to do,
because you never know when you might have 
waited just a bit too long.


all beautiful photos are by the talented Jeremy Baer-Simon


  1. Bon Voyage and thank you for the poignant reminder, Cori.

  2. Good for you, Cori, your grandmother would've wanted you to go. It's best to go off and see the world while you have the time and the energy. Someone told me once "eat dessert first". I hope you have a lovely trip.

  3. A great decision. My grandma was my favorite person in the family too. Have a great trip dear Cori!!!!!!

  4. What a bittersweet time this must be for you... and what a memory-maker it will be! Both of my grandmas passed away before I was born, but I have journals belonging to one, and a scratchy old recording of the other one talking. Those bits are precious to me. From what you have shared of your gramma, she would have been the first to tell you to make that trip. Have fun!

  5. A sad story about losing members of your family. I wish you a fantastic time in London. I'm going next week to visit my daughter, it's such an exciting place to be, I never tire of it. Have a great time.xx

  6. None of us is promised tomorrow. We only have THIS moment.Start drafting your life list and crossing things off. Have a great time in London. Sorry for your loss.

  7. I am so sorry that you were not able to go to Europe with your grandmother. It is amazing how much some people can make a positive and lasting impact on our lives. Through both the lessons and memories that you share together. I am so glad that you were able to make the trip though.


  8. she has been with me from time to time on this trip... i wonder if i will ever stop missing her.

  9. I was lucky enough to know both my grandmothers and they lived long enough to meet my kids. You may never stop missing her, but I hope you get to that place that when you think of her all you feel is joy for knowing her, gratitude you had so much time with her, and the knowledge that she knew you loved her. My nana and grandma have been gone more than 10 years, but there isn't a day something in my house reminds me of them. And usually I quietly say thanks that they were in my life!
