Monday, August 24, 2009

we are... STRONG

"WE ARE..." is a monthly publication put together by a wonderfully talented etsy artist called yaelfran, she is taking the time to showcase Etsy's artists illustrations in black and white for you to paint or just to keep as they are.

Every month she features a group of 15 illustrators who will showcase their interpretation of a different theme. for august we have... HAPPY , and for the halloween holdiay there is an edition called we are... SCARED! and for the month of september she has put together we are... STRONG!

This publication is printed on 250 gr paper, with professional printer. Its size is 4 x 6 inches closed. A very sweet size that gives you the possibility to take it with you in your bag, wallet, pocket, etc.

You can also separate their pages (by triming them carefuly) and have different and gorgeous postcards!!!!!

i have made two contributions so far... the first was for we are SCARED.
and the last contribution made the cover! (see top illo) SO FUN!!!


  1. Congratulations!

    It looks really gorgeous!

    Best wishes,
    Pilli Pilli Handmade

  2. fixed it! and YAEL this is the best idea ever! i am so excited to be participating.
    thank you again and again...

    and pilli pilli... thank you!
